Solo Performances
Tightly Wound – Dorothy Hindman
Innova (965) (2017)
Performance of Time Management. Remainder of this double CD contains 12 more pieces by Dorothy Hindman.
Full Dark Ride – Julia Wolfe
Cantaloupe (CA21058) (2009)
Performance of Stronghold for 8 basses – Robert Black performing all 8 parts. The remainder of the disc contains 3 more works for multiple single instrument emsembles.
Dam(n)age – Mark Steven Brooks
Elaterium Music (EL-8) (2008)
Performance of From a Distant Shore for double bass and electronics.
Ottuplo! Larry Austin: The Eight Decade
Centaur (CRC 2830) (2006)
Performance of art is self-alteration is Cage is…
Fragmentos Del Pasado – Orlando Jacinto Garcia
New Albion Records (NA124) (2004)
Performance of #3 from Three Pieces. Remainder of the disc contains 4 more works by Orlando Jacinto Garcia
Roundabout – Robert Carl
Innova (596) (2003)
Performance of Roundabout for double bass and electronics. Remainder of the disc contains 6 more works by Robert Carl.
Presence III – a compilation of electroacoustic works
Productions electro Productions (PeP 005) (2002)
Performance of Massif, a collaborative work for double bass and electronics by Richard Zvonar and Robert Black. This double CD contains 28 additional works.
Toys in the Attic – electroacustic Music from UMKC iMPACT Center
Centaur (CRC 2605) (2002)
Performance of TNT for double bass and electronics. Remainder of disc contains music by various comnposers.
Twin Souls – text based electroacoustic music by Barry Truax
Cambridge Street Records (CRS-CD 0102) (2001)
Performance of Androgyne, Mon Amour. Remainder of the disc contains 6 more works by Barry Truax.
Celestial Voices – Orlando Jacinto Garcia
O.O. Discs (#42) (1998)
Performance of #2 from Three Pieces. Remainder of the disc contains 3 more works by Orlando Jacinto Garcia.
Casa Vecchia – Paul Dresher
Starkland (ST-204) (1995)
Performance of Mirrors for electric bass and live electronics. Remainder of the disc contains 3 more works by Paul Dresher.
Simple Harmonic Motion - Larry Polansky
Artifact Recordings (ART 1011) (1994)
Performance of Movement for Lou Harrison. Remainder of the disc contains 3 more works by Larry Polanski.
A chance operation – the John Cage tribute
Kock International Classics (3-7238-2 Y6x2) (1993)
Performance of art is self-alteration is Cage is….by Larry Austin. Remainder of this double CD contains music 22 European, American and Asian composers and ensembles.
New Music Series, Volume 1
Neuma Records (450-71) (1988)
Premiere recording of Theraps for solo double bass by Iannis Xenakis. Remainder of disc contains music by Risset, Scelsi, Korde, Mabry, Lippe, and Rubin.